Oreo Chiffon 3 Egg, 7inch Tin


  I used Mandy Chew’s recipe but I scaled it down to a 3 egg (large eggs) and omitted the baking powder and cream of tartar. I used my 7inch aluminium push pan from Lakeland. You will find the quantities for the 3 egg version here: https://britishbornchinesefood.co.uk/chiffon-3-egg-recipes/ Here is a link to Mandy’s original recipe: …

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Microwave Mochi

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I was so thrilled to discover I could make these so easily in the microwave and even better my boys loved them.  These were a child hood favourite of mine and traditionally they are steamed. A really simple peanut and coconut mochi, the below makes 2 mochi’s, double up as necessary. The Dough 50g Glutinous …

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