Banana roll -Using fresh bananas

Glutinous rice flour 1.75 cup + 3 tablespoons (fried with)
Rice flour 1/2 cup
2 tablespoons hot water
2/3 cup sugar
3/4 cup vegetable oil + 1 teaspoon
3 Ripe bananas mashed
1 In a nonstick pan add the 3 tablesp of Glutinous rice flour on med heat and fry for 2 mins
2 Sift the rice flour and the glutinous rice flour together in a bowl.
3 In a large bowl add the 2 table spoon of water, and the sugar and stir till dissolved.
Add the mashed bananas,and the oil and using a stick blender, mix till smooth.
4 Add the flour in 4 parts to the banana mix and stir with a spoon
5 Grease your stainless steel pans which are to be steamed with the 1 teaspoon of oil.
6 Sieve mixture (* i missed this out)
7 Pour mix into pan, and steam for 20 mins on high rolling boil.
8 With a greased knive slice the banana roll and roll in the fried glutinous flour (from step 1)
The sweetness will depend on the ripeness of the bananas used.
Leave to cool for 3-5 mins before slicing
photo by Jenny Cooc Cheung